Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Proverb A Day

Just in case you have been living under a rock for the last few years, this country and this world is becoming decreasingly stable. There are some very real dangers that we have to live with on a day to day basis. In my mind, the primary reason for the increasingly hostile environment is our lack of value in human life. We are constantly being fed trash through our television sets, radio stations, restaurants, politicians, media outlets, and even in some cases, by our churches.

It is time that we take a step back from the Jersey Shores and Twilight sagas of our lives and get back to the word of God. We have replaced God with people like Snookie and wars between cults of Jacob and Edward fans. We have turned into a culture of constant need of entertainment and will take anything that has been spoon-fed to us at face value.

It is time for us to turn off our televisions and spend time with our families. Your children shouldn't be thrown into a dungeon full of video games and the internet just to get them out of your hair. Their poor behavior and acts of irritation are prevalent because you won't take the time to talk to them. All they want is your attention. GIVE IT TO THEM. Teach them right from wrong. Talk to them. Read to them. DISCIPLINE them. Chances are, you child doesn't NEED medication... they need to go outside and play. They need parents to play WITH them. Our children need role models, not Grand Theft Auto.

Instead of taking some talking head's advice at face value, do your OWN research into Christianity. Despite what you hear on the news on a daily basis, Christianity is NOT a religion full of hate. Christians are loving, forgiving, and are SUPPOSE to be humble. Yes, there are some very judgmental Christians, but that doesn't mean they are ALL like that. We have all had our poor experiences with people who claim to be Christian. But we need to remember that we are just human. Not everyone is going to be the greatest ambassador for their particular religion. That doesn't mean you should just blow off your relationship with God because someone you know is a jerk.

God speaks to all of us differently. We are so entrenched in our current culture, that we just don't recognize when he's talking. Prayer has been made fun of so much in the shows and movies that we watch, that we are timid and sometimes uncomfortable to participate. There are very few of us who are strong enough to step up and pray out loud in front of our friends and family. This has to change. We need to step up and be leaders in our homes. Your children look to you for leadership and guidance. If you are ok with the chance of your child ending up on drugs, in jail, or shooting up schools, keep God away from them. However, if you CARE about your children, do yourself and them a favor and get serious about God.

One thing that I have found extremely useful is what's called "A Proverb A Day." The concept was introduced to me about 10 years ago and I have found it extremely effective when I have incorporated the practice in my life. If you want more wisdom and understanding in your life, there are few people better qualified to read than Solomon. Widely considered one of the wisest men who have ever lived, this words transcend generations and allow for some great truths and instruction for you to implement in your everyday life. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs and reading one chapter a day is a good way to get the bible in your everyday life. For example, today is the 19th, so you would flip to chapter 19 in Proverbs and read the short chapter for the day. The Chapters are usually about 2-3 pages in length, which make it a pretty easy read for the day. We read way more than that on Facebook and twitter every day. I have found that usually how this exercise works is that one or two lines out of the daily chapter will speak to and will apply to your life that day.

To make things even easier for you, this blog will be posting the daily Proverb on the site, which you will be able to read here or on Facebook. To make things even easier for you, there is a daily Proverb app for your iphone here or for your android here.

Be disciplined and allow the Lord in your daily life.

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